Every day, thousands of people travel up and down Texas highways. For the most part, these individuals are law-abiding citizens who are on their way to work, home or some other typical destination. Unfortunately, there are also the few individuals who utilize Texas...
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Mingledorff Law
Two individuals charged with murder in death of hotel clerk
Whenever a crime has been committed, Texas law enforcement officers are vigilant in pursuing leads and identifying suspects. This process often involves interviewing witnesses and identifying persons of interest. Many times, these persons of interest are then sought...
Texas jail cells filling up after major heroin bust
At least 12 of the 40 people recently arrested in Texas were reportedly targeted by drug task force investigators. Authorities say they seized substantial amounts of heroin as well as other contraband in the investigation. Some of those arrested may face life in...
Alternatives to jail for veterans charged with crimes
Specialty rehab courts, such as drug court with a focus on treatment, are not a new concept. Those directed specifically toward veterans and the unique issues they face are. In 2008, New York established the first veterans' court program in the country. Texas was not...
Texas teenagers charged with murder of another teen
Shots are fired and panic strikes fear in the hearts of those in the vicinity. Law enforcement officers arrive and begin to ask questions. Emergency personnel also arrive and begin to treat the injured. Fortunately, the average Texas resident never experiences a...
Texas officers arrest 39 on drug trafficking charges
Throughout Texas, neighbors tend to watch out for each other. When one goes out of town, a neighbor will often keep an eye on the house to make sure everything is okay. As a general practice, whenever neighbors see something suspicious happening, they will notify the...
Skilled legal counsel can help avoid problems due to paperwork
Paperwork can be both a help and a hindrance. Many times, the paperwork trail provides proof that a job was completed or that something was agreed to. However, paperwork can also get misplaced, lost or even destroyed. Paperwork can be essential to many Texas...
When man’s best friend bites
Pet ownership is both a joy and a privilege. Animals, particularly dogs, provide unconditional love, companionship and entertainment to tens of millions of Americans. Dogs have been proven to help lower blood pressure and anxiety levels. Furthermore, specially trained...
20-year-old facing multiple murder charges
Many times, individuals are judged based upon who they associate with. If one associates with a group of individuals suspected of being part of a gang or participating in criminal activity, then it is common for the public and even some law enforcement officials to...
Driver stopped for speeding, charged with drug trafficking
Drugs are a serious problem throughout Texas. They can often be found in homes, schools, vehicles and almost anywhere else one can think of. As such, law enforcement officers actively seek out and arrest those whom they believe to be responsible for the drug...