When faced with circumstances in which criminal charges are likely, many people may begin to panic. As a result, they may think that certain actions may help them in the situation, but in reality, those decisions may not have been as well thought out as believed....
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Mingledorff Law
Can you challenge a blood alcohol content (BAC) test?
Widmark developed a formula to determine the metabolic absorption rate in 1932 that is still in use today and referred to as the Widmark Factor. But even after 100 years of study, accurately predicting BAC remains an active area of scientific research. Determining BAC...
Prescription drug possession allegedly part of Texas traffic stop
Individuals can often face complications when trying to address criminal charges. Each person's case is different, and when dealing with charges for prescription drug possession or other alleged offenses, knowledge can be a powerful tool. Of course, many individuals...
Man charged with murder after reported stabbing in Texas
In moments of anger, despair or other strong emotions, many people do not think clearly. As a result, they may act out of character and carry out actions that could harm other people. In some cases, these events are serious, and a person could end up facing charges...
Texas couple may want criminal defense info after facing charges
Though some circumstances relating to an alleged criminal situation may seem bizarre and incriminating, it does not mean that the parties accused in the situation are automatically guilty. Individuals facing any type of criminal charge have the right to create and...
Intoxication manslaughter charge brought against Texas man
Criminal charges can easily come about unexpectedly. Many people may think that individuals who end up facing allegations consciously make decisions to put themselves in these predicaments. However, that may not necessarily be the case, and sudden circumstances could...
Changing nature of school discipline and juvenile charges
The discipline policies in schools across Texas today look a lot different than they did 20 or 30 years ago when you were in school. In the past, we feared a trip to the principal's office. Today, schools have assigned law enforcement officers that often are called on...
Traffic stop results in heroin trafficking charges in Texas
Criminal charges can change a person's life in many ways. Often, these changes have negative impacts on the individual and could result in jail time and other consequences if a conviction takes place. When accused of trafficking heroin, the party will undoubtedly want...
Animal abuse charge leveled against Texas man
When in an emotionally-charged state, many people may find themselves not thinking clearly about their actions. As a result, a normally nice and well-behaved individual could potentially act in a way that shocks those who know him or her. Unfortunately, some actions...
Criminal charges for theft brought against couple in Texas
When faced with challenges in life, many people may not always make the best decisions for their circumstances. Some of those choices may be made out of desperation, but they can still result in individuals facing even more difficult predicaments. In come cases,...