Any person could wind up facing criminal charges. Some people may think that they would never find themselves in such a predicament, but circumstances can quickly change. If an individual does find him or herself charged with drug crimes, the conditions under which...
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Mingledorff Law
Texas man charged with animal abuse after allegedly beating dog
Facing a criminal charge can suddenly turn any event into a serious predicament. In some cases, a person may have acted without fully thinking through his or her actions or believed that those actions would not have major consequences. However, when an individual ends...
Fighting school disciplinary actions
Perspective affects how school conduct is interpreted. A teacher might view something as rude and incendiary, while a student sees it as an accident. Who is correct and why does it matter? The consequences are innumerable and may even include a juvenile court...
Texas teens likely need criminal defense info after arrests
In a single alleged criminal event, multiple people could face charges. However, each person accused may want to consider his or her case on an individual level. This means that, even though parties may face the same or similar charges, the manner in which each person...
Texas man facing criminal charges for attempted kidnapping
Because there are at least two sides to every story, it is important that individuals who are accused of crimes get their chances to tell their sides. Fortunately, any time a person has criminal charges leveled against him or her, the opportunity to create and present...
Texas man accused of heroin, marijuana possession
People across the country face difficult legal situations every day. Some of those cases may involve civil action, but others may be criminal cases in which parties have been charged with crimes. In particular, individuals who are dealing with allegations of...
The C.S.I. effect and why we need to question forensic evidence?
Crime dramas depend on impressive forensic evidence to prove who did it by the end of an episode. Real life is not so neat. Can past valid forensic analysis or methods be discredited? Yes, forensic science is actually second only to eyewitness errors on the list of...
Criminal defense: Texas man facing charges after punching child
It is common knowledge that consuming alcohol can make people act unlike themselves and lose normal restraint. While some individuals' actions may be overall harmless, others may go too far and end up in a serious legal predicament due to acting violently. As a...
Woman faces animal abuse charges after allegedly hitting dog
When there is concern that an animal has been mistreated, many people tend to automatically feel upset for the animal. However, there may be circumstances surrounding a situation in which abuse is suspected that may shed a different light on the issue. If a person...
Criminal charges brought against Texas man after shooting
Many people may not typically consider themselves violent. However, when emotions run high, numerous individuals may learn that -- when not thinking clearly -- they do have the capability of causing serious harm. Unfortunately, some situations that lead to this type...