Any type of criminal charge needs to be addressed in a thoughtful and determined manner. Though some people may find it unlikely, the reality is that anyone could face a serious criminal matter. Still, each case is different, and someone facing charges for animal abuse may have a different defense course to take than someone charged with another crime.
One woman in Texas recently surrendered to authorities after a warrant was issued for her arrest in relation to an animal cruelty case. Apparently, officers and members of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals went to the woman’s home in March and seized over 450 rabbits. It was unclear what caused authorities to go to the woman’s home in the first place.
According to reports, the rabbits were kept in crates that were often stacked on top of one another. The animals also showed signs of medical issues, such as hair loss, missing ears and eyes, injured limbs and other wounds. At least two rabbits were found dead. The woman is currently facing one count of cruelty to nonlivestock animals. It was noted that authorities had been to her property in 2013 and seized hundreds of animals at that time as well.
This Texas woman may feel overwhelmed by her current predicament. Fortunately, she does not have to try to navigate this complex process on her own. Gaining information related to the animal abuse charges she faces as well as understanding her criminal defense options may help her build meaningful defense presentation.