When facing criminal charges, too many people are not aware of their legal rights and options. A lack of information could easily cause a person to give up his or her rights or say too much during a critical part of the investigation. As a result, if individuals are accused of drug trafficking, it is important to gain information relating to their rights before answer questions.
Multiple individuals in Texas may be reviewing their legal options after recently being taken into custody. Reports stated that a county sheriff’s office worked with the Bureau of Narcotics in a neighboring state to investigate a potential methamphetamine trafficking ring. Allegedly, methamphetamine was being brought into the county and into several counties in the southern part of the neighboring state.
During the investigation, authorities allegedly found 2.4 pounds of methamphetamine, drug paraphernalia and digital scales. As a result, seven people were taken into custody, with some being held in Texas and others in the neighboring state. Allegations of manufacture or delivery of a controlled substance, drug possession, tampering with physical evidence, possession with intent to distribute, aggravated drug trafficking, and other charges were filed against the various individuals.
Accusations of drug trafficking and other drug-related activity can come with serious consequences if individuals are convicted of such charges. As a result, these accused parties will certainly want to ensure that they go over their criminal defense options to combat the allegations as best as possible. Gaining information on their legal rights and options from local Texas legal resources may help them become more knowledgeable about their cases.