Juvenile Court And School Hearings
Getting into trouble at school can trigger a cascading range of penalties. For young people who make a number of mistakes, school administrators have little patience.
Why does a family need to speak with a criminal defense attorney if a juvenile court matter has not yet been filed? Consulted early, an experienced lawyer can often provide legal guidance in front of a school board and avoid a referral to juvenile court.
At [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-2″], our attorneys have a combined experience of more than 60 years in criminal law. As trial attorneys with past experience as prosecutors, we know how to mount the best possible defense that protects your child’s future. We do everything in our power to make sure young clients are treated fairly by the system.
Schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your concerns with one of our attorneys – call [nap_phone id=”LOCAL-CT-NUMBER-1″].
School Board Hearings To Juvenile Court
While your initial concern may be suspension or expulsion from school, there is also the risk that a prank or threat might be the basis for criminal charges in juvenile court. We can help at each step:
- At the school board meeting, we will work hard to avoid a referral to juvenile court
- If the case is referred to juvenile court, our lawyers will build a defense to minimize the penalty
- At the end of the case, we will seal the records to limit the long-term impact
More than 100,000 Texas children find their way into the juvenile justice system each year. Punishment can range from a warning for a minor “status offenses” – running away from home or truancy – to delinquent offenses and a sentence that includes detention. Fingerprints are collected and stored when an offense is punishable by jail for an adult.
Juvenile criminal history records are still accessible in certain cases. That is why our last step in these cases is to request that the records are sealed.
A Strong Defense To Limit The Damage
If your child has been in trouble at school, you need to act quickly to protect his or her future. From a school board or administrative hearing to juvenile court, we will work with you to limit the damage.
Discuss your concerns with one of our experienced criminal defense attorneys by sending us a message online or calling our offices located in Houston’s Energy Corridor at [nap_phone id=”LOCAL-CT-NUMBER-1″].