Following Hurricane Harvey, the Harris County Criminal Justice Building remains closed until further notice. This has forced the criminal courts to share courtroom space at the Family Law Center leading to scheduling challenges and delays. At the same time, there are...
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Criminal Defense
Texas woman will likely build defense against child injury charge
A sense of panic may set in when a person finds out that he or she is facing criminal charges. Because negative outcomes for such a predicament can have long-lasting effects, this type of reaction is understandable. However, remaining level-headed could help accused...
Alternatives to jail for veterans charged with crimes
Specialty rehab courts, such as drug court with a focus on treatment, are not a new concept. Those directed specifically toward veterans and the unique issues they face are. In 2008, New York established the first veterans' court program in the country. Texas was not...
Skilled legal counsel can help avoid problems due to paperwork
Paperwork can be both a help and a hindrance. Many times, the paperwork trail provides proof that a job was completed or that something was agreed to. However, paperwork can also get misplaced, lost or even destroyed. Paperwork can be essential to many Texas...
What’s the risk of asset forfeiture in Texas?
To be able to answer the question posed in the title of this post, we have to understand what asset forfeiture means. The words themselves can be a little misleading. Asset forfeiture does mean what it says. A person has assets and they are forfeited, usually because...
Are there limits to free speech?
We enjoy freedom of speech in Texas. It's protected under the Constitution. But there are limits. You can't yell fire in a crowded move theater. Banning certain speech is legal in a private home or business. Social media sites have a right to delete content deemed...
What evidence can police access from your cell?
Ratified in 1791, the drafters of the Fourth Amendment could never have imagined the role cellphones would play our 2017 day-to-day lives. The "right of the people to be secure in their persons, house, papers and effects" was to meant to prohibit "general warrants"...
Sometimes optimal outcome in criminal case isn’t what’s expected
Sometimes circumstances when we are in a frail mental state can lead to irrational behavior. If that behavior gets you charged with a criminal act, even if it isn't one of violence, what should the punishment be upon conviction? Some months ago, a story made headlines...
You have rights under police questioning. They might not tell you
Just because you have the right to remain silent doesn't mean the police have an obligation to let you know it. This might surprise some readers. The recitation of the Miranda warning every time TV and movie cops slap handcuffs on a suspect is so common that it might...
Texas DWI charges: Different drivers, different penalties?
A Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) conviction in Texas can lead to serious criminal penalties. What factors explain the differences in sentences? If you are facing these charges, it is important to realize that the penalties of a conviction can vary. To get out of the...