The COVID-19 pandemic impacted and continues to impact pretty much every part of our lives. We started wearing masks and avoided getting together with large groups. We cut back on actually going into work and even visiting with family members. Now that we have had...
Experienced Trial Lawyers
Criminal Defense
When can police look at my phone?
Our phones have more than just phone numbers and voicemails. They contain text messages, location information, access to emails and social media and even store files. These devices can have a huge amount of information, all in the palm of our hands. Although...

Unreturned rental leads to criminal charges and an important lesson
Those of us who grew up in the eighties, nineties and even early in the 21st century remember the joys of going to the local video store to rent the latest movies. We did our best to be kind and rewind before returning the video. We even paid the late fines if we kept...
Can I fight federal sentencing guidelines?
Unfortunately, the story is all too common. A woman was injured and prescribed opioids. The prescription evolved into an addiction, and the woman made some poor decisions while fueled by this addiction. The court finds her guilty of various crimes and moves forward to...
What should parents do when the principal calls the police?
When we were kids, a teacher’s threat to send us to the principal’s office was often enough to make us change our ways. Today, there is an increasing reliance on use of police officers within the school systems. This is true at all levels, from elementary to higher...
Texas man accused of DWI gets evidence thrown out of court
The state requires police to follow certain protocol when making a stop and gathering evidence to support criminal charges. A failure to follow these rules can result in serious consequences, including the inability to submit evidence to court. A recent case provides...
Key lesson from minor drug case that led to life imprisonment
It is not easy to make ends meet when you are a young woman with a young child. As a society, we want to see these individuals who are trying to do their best make the most of their situation. Unfortunately, mistakes can happen. In one case, a young mother working...
Police stop and phone requests: What do I do?
You pull over for a traffic stop and the officer asks for your license and registration, as expected. You provided the documents and then, to your surprise, the officer asks you to unlock your phone. Your caught off guard. Do you have to give the officer your phone?...
Theft of a puppy? Two important lessons from one strange case.
Authorities recently accused a Texas woman of trying to steal a puppy. The pet shop states the pup, a rare type of American Bulldog, is worth approximately $10,000. Witnesses state the woman entered the pet store with her boyfriend to discuss the details of purchasing...
Feds crackdown on drunk driving over holidays
The United States Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently announced the kick-off for its annual Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign. The campaign serves as an educational effort to encourage drivers to avoid...