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Animal abuse charges leveled against 2 men; cattle seized

Mar 11, 2020 | Animal Cruelty Charges

Accusations of criminal activity do not automatically mean that a person is guilty. In fact, a person is presumed innocent unless proven otherwise in court. Still, it can be difficult for anyone to face criminal charges, especially those relating to animal abuse, and maintaining one’s innocence is not always an easy task.

Two men in Texas may be hoping to find the best ways to handle their cases after recently being taken into custody. Apparently, authorities had received tips about possible animal cruelty involving livestock. Officers reportedly obtained an animal seizure warrant and went to the location of the animals. They allegedly found emaciated cattle and signs that indicated dead cattle on the property. In total, 32 cows were taken from the scene to a veterinary clinic.

A 36-year-old man and a 37-year-old man were both taken into custody on charges relating to animal cruelty. At the time of the report, they had both been released from custody after posting bonds of $1,500 each. Additional information on the case was not given in the report, and it is likely that authorities are still investigating.

Animal abuse charges can come with serious penalties in the event of a conviction. As a result, these two Texas men will undoubtedly want to address the allegations in efforts to work toward the best outcomes possible. It is important to remember that each man is facing his own charges and has his own case to contend with. As a result, the decisions on how to address the allegations may differ for each man.