Mingledorff Law is filing suit against Watson Grinding & Manufacturing Co. for this horrible explosion!
Call today at 281-497-7180 if you or a family member has been injured or had their property damaged by the recent massive explosion.
This is the third big explosion in recent Houston history and enough is enough! No More! This company must be held responsible! They Must Pay!
Mingledorff Law has been handling injury claims since 1984. We are experienced explosion and injury attorneys with multiple 7 figure settlements on previous explosions and injuries. Get the experience and attention you deserve with Mingledorff Law Firm.
It is important to call us TODAY. We have relationships with medical and insurance professionals that can help you recover quickly, sometimes same day! This will not cost you anything.
In addition, it is important not to wait because our team will act to preserve important evidence and meet deadlines through correspondence and documentation which will make your claim stronger and help our team get you the absolute most for your injuries or damages.
RING MING @ 281-497-7180
#NoMoreExplosions #MakeThemPay #RingMing #HoustonExplosion #PlantExplosion #SpringBranch #ClayRoad