When faced with circumstances in which criminal charges are likely, many people may begin to panic. As a result, they may think that certain actions may help them in the situation, but in reality, those decisions may not have been as well thought out as believed. However, some parties may take drastic steps to avoid cocaine possession and other drug charges, even if those steps do not work in their favor.
One woman in Texas took such measures after being taken into custody. Reports stated that authorities responded to a call about an alleged grocery store theft, and after their arrival, they took a woman into custody. It was unclear what caused police to suspect the woman. Nonetheless, she was placed in the back of a police car.
After being placed in the vehicle, authorities allege that the woman purposefully defecated in her pants in attempts to hide other evidence. She purportedly put over two grams of crack cocaine, a crack pipe and a holiday card in the feces. Authorities still retrieved the items from the woman’s waste. As a result, she is currently facing charges for possession of a controlled substance and tampering with evidence.
When individuals feel cornered, they may think that tactics such as this will help, but as this case shows, it may be a questionable move. When parties want to effectively handle situations in which they face charges relating to cocaine or other drugs, they may find it more useful to obtain reliable legal information. Individuals in Texas facing such circumstances may wish to speak with criminal defense attorneys regarding their possible legal options.
Source: ABC News, “Texas woman defecates in pants to hide drugs during arrest”, Feb. 24, 2018