Any person could wind up facing criminal charges. Some people may think that they would never find themselves in such a predicament, but circumstances can quickly change. If an individual does find him or herself charged with drug crimes, the conditions under which the arrest took place may play a part in a criminal defense presentation.
It was recently reported that two Texas men were taken into custody for drug-related offenses. Apparently, the two had been approached by undercover police officers who offered to buy nearly 60 pounds of methamphetamine. They reportedly arranged a meet up at a restaurant, and the officers showed the men that they had money for the drugs.
During this interaction, authorities took the men into custody. They are currently facing charges for manufacturing and delivery of a controlled substance. It was reported that a long-term investigation involving multiple law enforcement agencies led to the arrests taking place. It was reported that both men were being held on bonds of $150,000 each, and one of the men was also being detained in relation to an immigration-related issue.
The men certainly understand that the charges they face for the alleged drug crimes are serious. Fortunately, they can take the time to learn more about their predicaments if they wish to do so. Gaining information on the allegations brought against them, the police procedures used during the arrests and their defense options may help them feel more in control of their circumstances. Exploring local Texas legal resources could help them obtain reliable knowledge.
Source:, “$135K in meth seized in bust near Katy Mills Mall“, Dana Burke, April 13, 2018