Finding oneself facing criminal charges can be a frightening experience. Many people have heard horror stories regarding consequences for charges and the detrimental impacts convictions can have on people’s lives. Because of these anxieties, some people may try to avoid police, but such actions may only make situations worse. Nonetheless, parties still have the option of creating a criminal defense against any allegations brought against them.
One man in Texas will undoubtedly want to do his best to address the criminal allegations recently filed against him. Reports stated that the man had initially been involved in a police pursuit but was not taken into custody. A few days later, the man was reportedly involved in another pursuit, which lasted approximately one hour.
After police stopped the vehicle, the man purportedly attempted to flee on foot but was apprehended. He apparently had warrants out for his arrest regarding aggravated robbery, evading arrest and making a false statement to obtain credit. The man was reported as being 26 years old. It was also noted that no injuries occurred as a result of the pursuit. It was unclear what prompted the chase.
The man involved in this situation is certainly feeling a myriad of emotions. He may wonder how the charges will impact his life and what options he may have for minimizing those impacts to the best of his ability. In order to find out more knowledge on his criminal defense options and other details relating to his case, he may wish to obtain information from local Texas legal resources.
Source:, “Killeen police arrest man after lengthy pursuit“, Tianna Jenkins, Dec. 3, 2017