Many people may not typically consider themselves violent. However, when emotions run high, numerous individuals may learn that — when not thinking clearly — they do have the capability of causing serious harm. Unfortunately, some situations that lead to this type of realization can be quite serious, and individuals could end up facing criminal charges after a violent encounter.
One man in Texas is currently facing charges after a reportedly violent exchange between him and his girlfriend. Reports indicated that the couple had gotten into an argument the night before the escalated encounter, which occurred the next morning. The woman had apparently left her cellphone in the man’s car after the argument, and when she went to retrieve the phone outside of her place of employment the next day, the man allegedly fired a shot from a weapon, which hit her in the leg.
The man purportedly left the scene but was later apprehended by authorities. He is currently facing charges for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and domestic violence. He was reported as being 36 years old. The injury the woman reportedly suffered was not considered life threatening. Her age was not given in the report.
Criminal charges for violent crimes can often have significant repercussions if a person is convicted of the allegations. The man allegedly involved in this Texas incident may find it helpful to explore all of his legal options to determine his most viable course of action. Assessing his circumstances may allow him to feel more confident in the decisions he makes as his case moves forward.
Source:, “Police arrest and identify man who shot UT Health employee outside work Friday“, Fernando Alfonso III, March 2, 2018