Creating a criminal defense that applies to a person’s case takes a considerable amount of work. The situation that led to the charges needs assessing, the accused person’s goals and wishes need considering, and the laws of the area need to be understood. If an individual faces criminal charges for animal abuse, taking in this information could make a difference in how he or she approaches the legal proceedings.
Two individuals in Texas may be hoping to gain as much information as they can about their current legal predicaments. According to reports, authorities were alerted by concerned citizens about a possible animal abuse case. The calls referred to a dog at a residence that seemed hungry and neglected. Authorities went to the home, and animal control took the dog.
The animal reportedly suffered from malnourishment, an infection causing a deteriorated jaw, heartworms and other ailments. The dog received veterinary treatment and was placed in a foster home. The man and woman in whose care the dog was are both facing one count of misdemeanor cruelty to livestock animals. Both of their bonds were set at $20,000.
Because animal abuse is taken seriously, the two individuals in this Texas incident will undoubtedly want to ensure that they understand the details of their cases. Though charged in relation to the same event, they may each create and present a criminal defense with which each accused individual feels comfortable. Understanding their available legal options may help them throughout their ordeals as they address the charges brought against them.