It takes a great deal of effort to address criminal charges. When a person is accused of a crime, it may benefit him or her to starting thinking about possible defense strategies soon after the allegations come about, especially for drug-related charges. In such a situation, it is also typically wise to have help when creating a defense.
Two men in Texas will certainly want to look into their legal defense options after recently being charged. Reports stated that one man is a sheriff’s deputy and was apparently in uniform when he allegedly participated in a drug deal. Officers had reportedly set up surveillance at a gas station before the deal took place, and they purportedly witnessed the man obtaining drugs from another individual.
The incident resulted in both men facing charges for possession of a controlled substance, bribery and possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver. The sheriff indicated that the deputy was allegedly intending to smuggle the substance into the jail and had purportedly been doing so for years. The officer was reported as being 30 years old, and the other individual involved was reported as being 33 years old.
These Texas men certainly do not want to let the drug-related charges take over their lives. Still, it may seem as if they do for a time as they work to defend against the allegations and handle the legal proceedings that come their way. Gaining information related to their cases and the allegations may help them work toward the best possible outcomes for their ordeals.